Some rare homes just naturally have Wow’s. The rest of us have to make those wow’s. What is a wow? It’s what makes people walk into a room or drive by a home and say WOW, that is awesome. It isn’t that hard to get wow’s. Wow isn’t having a clean house that is clutter free. That is a must. A Wow is a feature or extra in a home that makes the house stand out. It makes a potential buyer or visitor think about the home long after they have seen it. Here are a few ways to create a wow:
- Stand back and view your home from the street, does it welcome you to come explore or do you see the garbage can first, then the pair of skates the kids left out last week? Does it need a some flowers, a pretty wreath, a fresh coat of paint on the door or maybe some new shutters. It doesn’t cost a lot to make your home have curb appeal.
- When you approach your front door, what do you see? Sticky prints from the dog or kids? Grease smears around the handle? Peeling paint or a porch in need of sweeping? Come into your home as though you’ve never been there before and be judgmental.. Then get hot. Wipe, clean, paint and maybe buy a new welcome mat.
- At the door of a room ask yourself if money was no object what could a wow be for that particular space. When you answer that question, then figure out a way to do that wow on your budget. It may be a trip to your favorite thrift shop and a bucket of paint is all that is needed.
- What is your wow? Every house should have at least one. It may be a water feature that you will plan to leave, it may be a welcoming front door arrangement that you take. It could be a fabulous kitchen or gorgeous fireplace. It could be expertly arranged furniture that invites you to come sit down. It is what makes your home or room stand out. Wow’s are never found in a cluttered area, start now to find your wow and make it shine.
- As you enter a room, what is the first thing your eye is drawn to? That is where your wow needs to be. Add a small water feature, make a great arrangement to showcase that spot. Wows don’t need to cost a lot of money… you may already have your wow and it is just buried with your stuff. Have a treasure hunt and Find your Wow! It might be outside.