Whether you are thinking of selling your home or just want a peaceful place to call home, it is imperative to de-clutter. We all have a lot of things in our home that do not add to the quality of our life, instead they detract. Take a look around you as though you were a visitor and decide if your ” Things” are contributing or detracting to life. If your things aren’t bringing you joy they need to go. We are a society with too much stuff. Having less will make you enjoy what you have so much more.
Sharing your things with others will free up space in your life and bless someone else! It will give you free time, as you are not always looking for things, everything will have a home. You will not be feeling guilty when you are relaxing because you are not up trying to organize it. You can actually sit and relax.
The way to start is by de-cluttering, sorting and sharing one corner at a time. Before you know it you will make your home a beautiful peaceful place to live.